My Story

Welcome to Treasures of the Hill.  Thank you for visiting my online store.

2020 was a hard year for everyone.  In March, just before the world shut down, my daughter Sherri lost her 14 year battle with cancer.  In November, to help deal with that loss, I began creating jewelry.  It didn't take long for jewelry making became an addiction that I needed to find ways to fund, which is why I started selling at local craft fairs.

I started out making earrings... wire wrapped rings... beaded necklaces... bracelets... Then I got into resin... chess boards... clocks... carousels... Then I got into wood burning... clocks... coasters... Oh, yeah, and lets not forget the crocheting... amigarumi... bags... pillows... So, there's a little bit of everything, and so many more things I want to learn.  Each creation has it's own uniqueness.

I don't have a lot of free time - I have four kids at home from ages 4 to 17 that I homeschool - but I use all of it I can to make beautiful things.  It really makes me happy is to hear how much someone enjoys something that I made.  I'm still new enough in the craft circle that I'm happy when people recognize me from somewhere else they've seen me, or they recognize something that I've made. 

Take some time looking around.  If I don't have something available in a color scheme or size that works for you, send me a message and we'll work together to see what we can come up with.  And check out my Facebook page ( to see what craft fair I'll be at next.  I'm even newer to making web pages, so bare with me as I learn the ropes here, as I have with my other crafts.